What is included, Clinical Branches Freeware vs Freemium

Why are there freemium and freeware editions?

Clinical Branches' roots lie with the Open Source Antimicrobial Stewardship Project, originally built to provide equitable access to AMS decision support.

The project was unfunded, and due to this ended up being a bit of a failure, as all work was done from goodwill alone.

This led to development of Clinical Branches and a freeware and freemium model to support the roots of the open source project, whilst keeping the platform sustainable.

You can get great results via use of the freeware platform, but if you would like to support improvement of Clinical Branches (and get a few extra features) then please talk to us about the 'freemium' edition, it will probably cost you about the same as the Christmas lunch provided to staff at your health service.

(For the record we are not saying you should dump your Christmas lunch for Freemium Clinical Branches)

Freemium ($)
Free to use
Pricing for the freemium version is typically at around a 99x return on investment, we are open to negotiation
Custom domain, colour scheme, name and logo
Help desk support services
Business hours helpdesk support is offered for all clients. After hours support is offered only to freemium clients
Integration with your EMR to support audit activities and pathway completion
Integration is a must have whether using the freeware or freemium version. You can technically use the tool without any integrations, but it means lots of manually entry and not really worth the effort...
Weekly AMS recommendation uptake rate dashboards
Inter-service benchmarking is available for both the freeware and freemium version
Weekly appropriateness and intervention profile dashboards
Inter-service benchmarking is available for both the freeware and freemium version
Infectious indications readmission rates and length of stay dashboards
As this is a highly CPU intensive dashboard, it is available only to freemium clients
AMS IV vs PO duration dashboards
As this is a highly CPU intensive dashboard, it is available only to freemium clients
Ability to subscribe to clinical decision support 'hints' and collaborate on hint processes in the clinical credits forums
Determining priority patient 'hints' is highly CPU intensive, it is available only to freemium clients
Access to the Antimicrobial Stewardship, Opioid Stewardship and Pharmacy review lists
Note that the freemium version will have added capacity for priority patient identification via 'hints' on these ward lists
Access to opioid usage benchmarking dashboards
Note, access to ward list hints to identify patients prescribed opioids incorrectly is available to freemium clients only
Machine learning guided priority patient identification
(Note this is still in the development pipeline), Available only to freemium clients
Access to the pathway builder's canvas, the pathway approval governance console, organisation pathway review screen and pathway publishing process.
Anyone can build pathways in Clinical Branches, and you are free to subscribe to each other's pathways with a shared agreement.
Access to the full repository of over 250 centrally maintained core pathways
Only freemium clients can access the core pathways maintained by us.
Access to the national practice variation heat map
As the freemium edition does not have access to the core pathways it cannot fully utilise the practice variation maps, so this feature is turned off for freeware clients.
Ability to select who you share your data with (i.e. benchmarking dashboards with your selected collaborators)
Note, the freeware users will not have the option to select heatmap benchmarking (as this feature is not available)
Access to the vancomycin AUC calculator (when released)
(Still undergoing validation for release), All users will have access to the vancomycin AUC calculator. Complex exercises such as machine learning for optimal initial dose identification will be available to freemium clients only.
Ability to upvote the next preferred feature
All clients have the same ability to upvote the next priority feature and make feature requests.
Access to the health service formulary manager and individual patient use approval system
The formulary manager module is available as an extra 'paid premium' module for either freemium or freeware clients

Where to from here?

If you are interested in accessing the freeware or freemium version of Clinical Branches for your service simply email info@krakencoding.com


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